How Does MoonLift Give Full Play to the Power of Its Community?

MoonLift Protocol
4 min readJun 4, 2021

Community is the main driving force for the vigorous development of the crypto industry which has reached a consensus over the importance of a self-organized and autonomous community. Despite that, the blockchain is still in a difficult transition from “token-holding consensus” to “community autonomy”. In the long run, we can foresee that the decentralized autonomy system is becoming ever more mature, as been witnessed especially in the DeFi ecosystem, such as the “decentralized central banks’’ launched by Maker DAO and“Everyone is a shareholder of Federal Reserve’’ initiated by Basis Gold. Each one of these social experiments of community autonomy is playing their roles in promoting the decentralization revolution.

Allowing the community to govern means that the project party and the project developer will abandon management control in exchange for the maximum community driving force. Currently, almost every blockchain project is racking their brains to gather community power and unleash community potential. A creative community with sound communication and collaboration will contribute to the fast development of blockchain projects. To some extent, it can be said that a high-quality community is the most important driving force for the development of blockchain projects.

This is especially true in the DeFi ecosystem which boasts half of the cases of excellent community governance in the blockchain. The DeFi ecosystem enjoys many scenarios naturally suitable for implementing community governance, such as insurance, DEX, lending, StableCoins, and Oracles. The contribution of community autonomy is crucial to the prosperity of the DeFi ecosystem. From providing liquidity to voting, coding to project promotion, the community has never been more important than it is today. The enormous power of community has made community autonomy from a concept to a practice. As it is well known that the community decides how far the project can go in blockchain. The prosperity of the MoonLift ecosystem is the best trend of community driving force.

MoonLift, driven by the community, is a generator for passive income running on BSC. Users can perform various operations on DEX, including but not limited to liquidity mining, creating trading pairs, tokens swaps, tokens burning, vaults, financial management aggregators, NFT swap, etc.. MoonLift also returns 50% of its transaction fees to its token holders so as to reduce their participating risks and allow them to gain profits without staking. Simply put, MoonLift provides users with convenient services as much as possible, and guides the community to participate in ecological governance through reasonable and feasible operating mechanisms. Compared with other models, MoonLift encourages more flexible community autonomy and does not restrict the growth of its community by cumbersome and complicated rules, allowing the community to have more say. Some people may argue that a complex mechanism could prevent malicious operations, but it may turn out to be counterproductive as well and discourage potential users who do not understand the rules well. In this sense, why do we need a community if it is not inclusive?

In addition to technology and mechanisms, MoonLift makes use of many external tools to make data more open and transparent, so as to facilitate community supervision through community creation. MoonLift adopts the following measures to ensure community autonomy:

1.The founding team of MoonLift all passed KYC verification for the sake of openness and transparency of financial information;

2. Robot verification has been set up in the community to prevent malicious operations and guarantee true user data;

3. Multiple robots are standing by 7/24 to reply users’ questions and provide simple and convenient services;

4. All token information is open, transparent, and available online;

5. Community governance will be provided to engage the community in voting and exercising their governance rights.

Consensus has universal power in the community. A high-quality project will attract a huge number of users, a strong team to participate in ecological co-building, and a multitude of excellent developers, thus improving the community quality. A user-friendly, entry-level DeFi platform like MoonLift allows beginners to use DeFi services as easily as veteran users, which is beneficial to the sound development of the whole community on many levels. In the face of the increasingly complex DEX, many users are daunted. While it was supposed to be a simple and easy-to-operate financial service, DeFi repels its users for over-complicated game rules.

In the long run, along with the continuous innovation of the DeFi ecosystem and the gradual rise of the NFT ecosystem, the role of the community will continue to expand until it replaces decentralized governance. The advancement of technology will further unleash the potential of community autonomy which may produce huge network effects and foster the sustainable development of the blockchain industry. Therefore, if the project can conquer the challenge of building a self-governing community, it can accelerate its growth by virtue of the potential of its community.

Although the ideal model of decentralized community autonomy is yet to be in a good shape, it does not sway the determination of many DeFi explorers. In the case of MoonLift, as long as the technology is strong enough, community driving will surely be the main driving force of project development. The prosperity of the MoonLift ecosystem is the best witness.


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MoonLift Protocol

Community driven passive income generator protocol running on #BinanceSmartChain